- Version 1.0
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- Create Date December 31, 2021
- Last Updated January 1, 2022
Youtube Earnings Calculator
This YouTube earnings calculator provides an estimate of your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly earnings based on your daily views and CPM or Cost Per Mille. The CPM is a way of measuring how much you’ll get paid per 1,000 views – in other words how much advertisers are willing to pay you. Both the daily views and the CPM will be unique to each channel and as a result, we'll cover how to add scroll bars in order to adjust these figures accordingly. Once we've added our scroll bars, we'll calculate the earnings. Since the CPM is what you earn for every 1,000 views, we will take the daily views, divide them by 1,000 and then multiply them by the CPM figure to give the daily earnings. The weekly earnings are calculated by taking the daily earnings and multiplying them by 7. The monthly earnings are the daily earnings multiplied by 30 and the yearly earnings are the daily earnings multiplied by 365.
DISCLAIMER: Please remember that this calculator only provides an estimate of YouTube earnings based on daily views and CPM. There are a range of other factors that may impact earnings that have not been discussed in this video.